Dance Ranup Lampuan, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Rupuh Lampuan is a traditional dance art originating from Aceh. This dance is a visualization of the life philosophy of the Acehnese people, which is to uphold the hospitality in welcoming the guests. The movement after movement in Rupuh Lampuan illustrates the procession of picking, wrapping, and also serving the betel to the respected guests, as in the custom of Aceh people who have the habit of serving the betel to their guests. Given the characteristics of the base, this dance is classified into several types of traditional dance or ceremony.

History of Ranup Lampuan

The word ranup or ranub in the language of Aceh does have the meaning of betel, while the word lampuan consists of two words, namely lam and puan, the word lam means in, while the word puan means a typical place of betel Aceh. This Ranup Lampuan dance was created by Yusrizal from Banda Aceh, which was more or less in 1962. Shortly after the popular Banda Aceh, this dance then developed in various other areas in Aceh.

In the beginning, the dance performed by 7 female dancers was created with the accompaniment of a modern music (band or orchestra), but in its development, Ranup Lampuan is more often accompanied by traditional Acehnese music, Serune Kalee, as proposed by a number of parties at that time.

Meaning In Ranup Lampuan

Every movement and attribute that exist in this dance contains symbolic meaning. As an illustration, the whole dance movement is performed in an orderly and gentle manner as an expression to the encyclopedia of receiving guests. There is also a gesture of greeting by using hands swinging left, right, and also forward as a symbol of reverence in inviting guests to sit. Then, betel in puan was served real by Ranup Lampuan dancers to the guests they welcome.

In the Acehnese society, these sirih and puan are symbols of a fraternal warmth. In addition, as a greeter, cooking or betel dish has an important role in the social rituals of the people of Aceh, so that the rupture or betel is always present in various professions, such as from the procession of marriage, circumcision, even when burying the corpse.