Dinggu Dance, Traditional Dances From Southeast Sulawesi

Dinggu dance is a traditional dance originating from Southeast Sulawesi Province. This dance is a folk dance that describes an atmosphere and community activity during the harvest season, especially during the rice harvest season. Dinggu dance is usually performed by male or female dancers dressed like a farmer in ancient times. This dance is well known in the Tolaki community in Southeast Sulawesi Province and is often featured in various events such as highway harvest parties, big day celebrations, welcoming, cultural festivals and others.

History of Dance

Historically, this dance begins from the habit of Tolaki people during the harvest, especially during the rice harvest. They do the harvest activity by mutual cooperation or together, starting from picking rice, raising rice, and others. Once the rice is gathered all, it will be held Modinggu, which is a kind of mass pounding or rollicking done by young people.

After this week's event finishes then ends with Lulo together as entertainment and unwind. In addition, Lulo is also done in cementing their togetherness. This tradition continues on the Tolaki community until it finally becomes a dance called Dance this week.

The meaning of Dance Dinggu

As mentioned earlier, this dinggu dance is a dance that describes the activities and also the habits of Tolaki people during the harvest. In addition, Dari Dance also describes the spirit of togetherness and mutual community in doing something, one of which is during the harvest season that they do together. This shows that the spirit of togetherness and mutual cooperation is something that cannot be separated with Tolaki community in Southeast Sulawesi Province.

Dance Show Dinggu

Dinggu dance is a traditional dance performed by male or female dancers. The number of Dance dancers this week usually consists of 10 (ten) or more male and female dancers. But for the number of these dancers are usually tailored to their respective groups. In the show, the dancers use a costume like a Farmer and dance with a kind of winnowing, pestle, and a kind of mortar used as a property in the dance.

In the dinggu dance performances, there are usually several rounds that describe the activities of the farmers at the time of harvest. In the first half will usually begin with a round that describes the farmers who are carrying rice. Then proceed to put the rice to be pounded. Then proceed with the rice pound. And the latter will usually end with the Lulo movement.

The movements of the male dancers and the female dancers in this week's Dance are fundamentally different. In the movement of male dancers will usually be dominated by the movement of alu play done agiler. While in the movement of the female dancers will usually be dominated by a slow movement except when the pounding motion of rice and Lulo, because the movement is performed simultaneously with male dancers, so that female dancer must balance the movements of male dancers.

Dance Accompaniment Dinggu

In this dance performances, dinggu usually will be accompanied by the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments such as kendang and lute guitar typical of Southeast Sulawesi. The rhythm that is played in accompanying this dance is usually with the slow tempo, but upon entering Lulo movement then the rhythm will be fast and the music of harp guitar will be replaced with the gong.

Dance Costume Dinggu

For costumes or clothing used by dancers in the show Dance dinggu usually use clothes like the peasants in ancient times. The female dancers will usually wear kebaya clothes and sarongs typical of Southeast Sulawesi. For accessories, female dancers are usually also equipped accessories such as hair ornaments and necklaces. In addition, the female dancers will partially bring the tampah, and some will carry a small pestle used in dancing.

As for male dancers will usually use long-sleeved clothing and long pants. In addition, male dancers will also be equipped with a sarong cloth worn at the waist and cloth selampang. While the head cover will usually use a caping or hats Farmer. The dancers will also carry 2 (two) short-sized pestles used in dancing.