Aia Kawa, Typical Minangkabau Drinks

Aia Kawa or also Kawa Daun is a drink made from coffee leaves that are brewed with hot water, like a tea. The history of Kawa Daun began in the Dutch era. Exactly when there is a forced cultivation activity. At that time, residents in West Sumatra were prohibited from enjoying or processing coffee beans for consumption in private. Although forced to plant it for Dutch trading interests. To meet the desire to drink coffee, then made coffee leaves this as a substitute for coffee beans are still believed to contain caffeine substances.

Starting from the selection of coffee leaves and then dried in a way that is roasted for approximately 12 hours. Coffee leaves that have finished roasted then it is brewed like a tea. At the time of drinking, coffee leaves mixed with cold water and then watered with hot water. For those who want a sweet taste, sugar can be added. Kawa Daun will be more feels very delicious to drink if accompanied by snacks fried or other small snacks.

When the presentation, do not use the glass, but using coconut shell that has been split into two that was given placemark made of bamboo and also become the container. To make a glass of Aia Kawa brew drink is almost similar to making a drink of tea water. The difference is Aia Kawa is made from coffee leaves of local type unknown variants.