Bondan Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Java

Bondan dance is a traditional dance originating from Surakarta, Central Java. This dance is one of the traditional dances depicting the affection of a mother to her child. Characteristics of this Bondan Dance is a property used, namely paper umbrellas, kendil and baby dolls held by dancers.

History of Bondan Dance

According to some historical sources that exist, Bondan Dance is a dance that must be played by the village flowers in showing their identity. With this Bondan Dance, it will look how they later on as a mother and take care of their children. So as a woman not only beautiful but also must be caring, giving love and also protect her child.

Bondan Dance has 3 types of dances namely Bondan Cindogo Dance, Bondan Mardisiwi Dance and also Bondan Dance Mountains or Bondan Tani Dance. Each type of Bondan Dance has its own distinctive features, among them is the story in the dance, the property used, and the costumes used. But still not leaving the original features of the dance depicting the affection of a mother to her child. Especially in Bondan Cindogo dance tells the mother's love for her child, but the beloved child has died. Can be said Bondan cindogo dance is more nuanced sad.

Bondan Dance Show

In the show, the dancers dance by holding a baby doll with one hand, while the other holds a paper umbrella. In Bondan Dance this usually has an implied meaning in every movement. One scene that is characteristic is when dancers dance on a kendil. In that scene, the dancers have to keep their balance above the kendil so that the crawled pedestals will not break. In addition, the dancers also have to dance on the kendil while swirling the kendjak trampled and play the umbrella he carried.

For performances Bondan Dance This mountain is slightly different from the dance bondan cindogo and also mardisiwi. In the show, Bondan Dance These mountains depict the village women in the mountains or in the farm villages in working on fields or farming. After the dancers danced using the farm equipment, the dancers then took off their armor and replaced it with the clothes used in Bondan Dance. Then the dancers dance with the movement on other Bondan Dance.

Dancing Companion Bondan

In this Bondan dance performance is usually accompanied by musical accompaniment gending. At first, this dance is accompanied by a dolanan song, but in its development, this dance is accompanied by complete gending.

Bondan Dance Costume

In the show, the dancers are clothed in clothing such as wiron, jamang, baju kaju and at the top wearing the bun. But in the Bondan Dance, the mountains initially used clothes like village girls.

Bondan Dance Properties

The property used in this dance usually uses a paper umbrella and a baby doll. In Bindan dance this cindogo generally use kendil in dance, but for Bardan dance this mardisiwi usually do not use kendil in dance. In addition to the Bondan Dance mountain range usually begins using a tenggok who carried, farming tools, and also wear a cap on his head. However, after dancing using the dance tool then the dancers will release the farm clothes and caping, then inserted into the tenggok and replace with other Bondan Dance property.

The Development of Bondan Dance

In this Bondan Dance not only has artistic values but also moral values that we can learn in them. So it must be maintained and preserved so as not to disappear in line with the times. This dance has indeed been rarely displayed, but still, we can meet in various cultural festivals in order to introduce traditional arts in Central Java Province, especially in Surakarta as the region of origin.