Temenggung mask dance is one of the traditional dances that come from Cirebon West Java. This dance is one of five mask dance that comes from Cirebon, besides Panji Mask Dance, Samba Mask Dance, Rumyang Mask Dance, and Kelana Mask Dance. These five Cirebon mask dances have different characters and elements when staged.
The Origin of Temenggung Mask Dance
This Tomonggung Masked Dance tells of a brave knight in the battle against anger. The figure of this knight symbolized by Tomonggong, namely a Duke who came from Magadiraja confronted by the rioters named Jinggaanom.
For the people of Cirebon West Java, the mask is considered sacred. Aside from being a symbol of responsibility, this mask is also regarded as the identity of a person.
The Temenggung Mask Dance Show
In the show, the dancer's body movements look sturdy but elegant. The movement symbolizes the middle dancer becomes a gallant knight and also agile. The back and hand movement is very firm, it shows that this dance is a dance symbolizing a knight. Although this dance symbolizes the gallant knights, but not infrequently this dance performed by women.
Clothes Temenggung Mask Dance
The dancers in the Tumenggung Mask Dance is wearing clothing or all-black clothes and wearing knee-length pants and wear headgear or so-called sobra as an ornament attached to the head. In addition, the dancers also wear a red mask with a thick mustache that shows the character of a man of dashing and also authoritative.
Temenggung Mask Dance Companion
In Tumenggung mask dance performance is usually accompanied by gamelan music combined with musical instruments drum. Meanwhile, the songs commonly used are songs of barrage, barendodoan, and also barenkering. Cirebon traditional dance is usually performed both individually and in groups.
Development of Temenggung Mask Dance
In its development, Temenggung mask dance is still continuously preserved and learned by some art galleries that are there. In addition to being featured on major events, this dance is also often performed at other events such as guest reception and cultural festivals. This is done as an effort in preserving and introducing to the wider community of artists of Temenggung mask dance.