Rancak Denok Dance, Traditional Dances From Central Java
Rancak Denok Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Central Java. This dance is inspired by the art of mask. The mask in the cultural level of the archipelago has a long history, this tool has been around since prehistoric times. Facial scars, colors, as well as mask shapes symbolize various human traits, which are arrogant, good, deceitful, to the wise. The art of this mask has a big effect on the birth of various contemporary Indonesian art performances.
Etymologically, the name Rancak Denok comes from two words, namely Rancak and Denok. Rancak word has a meaning fast and dynamic, while the word denok worth the meaning with women. Literally, the name Rancak Denok this can be interpreted as dance creations Semarangan danced by women quickly and also dynamically by using the main property of the mask.
The dancers Rancak Denok generally amounted to 6 (six) people. But the amount is not a standard rule, considering the number of dancers can be added or reduced tailored to the needs and also the size of the stage.
In terms of clothing, the dancers Rancak Denok is wearing a bright-colored kebaya and equipped with jarik semarikangan cloth. Meanwhile, the head is made with flower ornaments that enhance the influence of China in the clothing of the dancers. Each dancer holds the mask as the main property in dancing Rancak Denok dance.
Dance Rancak Denok is accompanied by Gambang Semarang music. Similarly with Gambang Keromong Betawi music, on gambang Semarang this musical creation is also determined from salendro players. But as creative creation, dance Rancak Denok is more often accompanied by gambang music digitally than directly, considering the accompaniment of music in this dance is only a compliment only and not be a whole piece in the dance.