Umbrella Dance, Traditional Dance From West Sumatra

Umbrella Dance is a traditional dance originating from West Sumatra. This dance brings up a story about the love affair among young people. This umbrella becomes an important attribute in this dance, which is a symbol of the union of the purpose of two beings that lead to the happiness of love. Until now, this Umbrella Dance is still sustainable in the middle of the Minangkabau community, has even developed with new variations.

This umbrella dance is usually performed by even-numbered dancers, where they will pair up between men and women. The male dancers will come to their respective spouses carrying an expanded umbrella, which has the meaning that he is ready to carry and also protect the Woman in the direction of the joy of the household. Meanwhile, the Woman with her scarf will greet the Man in response, that with the man he is ready to wade through the streets of their love.

In harmony with the theme of the story, choreography in umbrella dance explores the interaction between male and female dancers. The song that became grip in this dance entitled Berbendi-bendi to Tanang River, which tells about the honeymoon atmosphere of a couple in the Tanang River. The song was delivered with the delivery of music that starts from a slow tempo, faster, to very fast.