Travel soothe the eye in Puncak, Bogor

The peak is a tourist area in the form of a wide mountain range and these mountains are also included in the region in Bogor regency and the region in Cianjur regency, West Java Province. The peak is located 70 km south of Jakarta. In the Peak Region located on the legs and slopes of the Gede mountains in the Pangrango area and also mostly part of a Gede National Park area in Pangrango. In this area is also famous as a beautiful mountain resort area for both domestic and foreign tourists.

Peak Bogor region has been known as a place of rest for the residents of Jakarta on the grounds because of its coolness and natural beauty at the top, and is a tea plantation area that has been built by the Dutch colonial government which is currently a tea plantation owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII in Mount Mas. This Bogor peak area is right on the foot and slopes of Gede mountains in Pangrango and has an average elevation of 700 to 1,800 m above sea level or (dpl) with an average air temperature of 14 to 18 degrees Celsius.

In addition, Puncak Bogor is also surrounded by other mountains such as Mount Salak with a height of 2221 m. In this peak, Bogor region has a very beautiful and unique natural contours. Almost most of the peak area is covered by tea plantations with a mountain background. The natural beauty of this region amazed someone of President Soekarno, so he built a restaurant in order to enjoy the natural beauty of Puncak, which then was given a name of Riung Gunung Restaurant.

In addition, there is a very beautiful recreation and agro-tourism area, including Tea Plantation in Gunung Mas and Gantole in Paralayang. In this Peak area, there are also various interesting sights include the Taman Safari Indonesia and Taman Bunga Nusantara, Cibodas Botanical Gardens next Telaga Warna, Matahari Tourism Park and there is also a beautiful mosque with a so unique and simple architecture that is the Mosque Atta'awun. In this area also a lot of villas and hotels that have by investors and also residents around with the purpose of resting the visitors.