The beauty of Twin Lakes in Solok West Sumatra

In the province of West Sumatra there are natural tourist places that are very mandatory for searchers to visit. The tourist attractions are Lake Diateh (above) and Lake Under the so-called Twin Lakes. This natural tourist place is located in Bungo Tanjung area, Alahan Panjang, in Solok regency, West Sumatera, the distance is around 65 kilometer from Padang City.

Why is this lake called the Twin Lakes? because the two lakes have almost the same area (but the wider Lake Above) and also its location is very close together. Although named the lake above and also the lake below, but in reality, the location of these two lakes is exactly the opposite of its name. And because in fact the higher lakes are instead named Under Lake, and vice versa. The distance between these two lakes is only 300 meters, very close.

When these two lakes are viewed from above, it will be seen clearly two lakes that are similar to the color of blue water, and as if in pairs, so no wonder if the two lakes are dubbed by the name of Twin Lakes. The depth of the 2 lakes is different, the lake above has a depth of more than 500 meters while the lake below the depth is only 44 meters. Twin Lakes is located in the highlands of Bukit Barisan and so the air in this area was so cool with the expanse of trees that grow around the lake.

When viewed from a distance, then the view of Twin Lakes is also really awesome, and also looks green and beautiful. This is because that is around the Twin Lakes used by local residents for plantations. The inhabitants of this lake are much cultivated by planting vegetables such as carrots, then cabbage, cinnamon, and also others. In the vicinity of Twin Lakes is the tourists can also find tea plantations and passion fruit plantations.