The beauty of Harau Valley in Padang

Harau Valley in Payakumbuh in recent years many adorn the social networking pages in this homeland. Harau Valley is located in West Sumatra Province is indeed able to conjure an attention of the traveler from various corners in this country. Especially because this place indeed presents a very very interesting atmosphere. The existence of Harau Valley in Payakumbuh is also increasingly adding to the many and long list of tourist attractions in the city of Padang and also surrounding areas. No wonder if the traveler who was traveling to Ranah Minang this would be difficult in preparing the itinerary. Nothing else because there are too many beautiful places that can be found in West Sumatra.

Harau Valley is famous for having very interesting topography and is also part of one of Harau Nature Reserve. This place is also located in the highlands ranging from 500 to 850 meters above sea level. From this Harau Valley, the traveler will also be able to witness the existence of five waterfalls are so beautiful. The beauty of nature Harau Valley Payakumbuh was already known since the first. This place was not called Harau, but Arau. Even the Dutch people also love the scenery here. The proof is the existence of an inscription that is located around the waterfall Sarasah Bunta is located in the Valley Harau.

The inscription states that this harau valley site was inaugurated by the Dutch State on 14 August 1926 and also by the Dutch people called by the name of Hemel Arau and also now abbreviated as Harau. Harau Valley in Payakumbuh this became one of the natural tourist destinations are very popular for domestic tourists. Most of them are coming from the area around West Sumatra, ranging from tourists from Riau Province, then North Sumatra or Jambi.Para traveler who came to this place can perform activities of trekking around the valley. To do so, these travelers can also use the services of a tour guide so as not to get lost. Usually the traveler there is a one-day trekking package with costs ranging from 100 to 200 thousand dollars.