Tandak Dance, Traditional Dance From Riau Islands

Tandak dance is a traditional dance originating from Riau Islands Province. This form of tandak dance is a reciprocal pantun between groups of men and women. Songs or pantun exist in this dance usually contains about things that are on the earth or about everyday human life. Tandak dance is a popular dance and liked in the Riau area. This dance is a combination of dance and literature. Although basically, this tandak dance is the art and culture of Minangkabau which contains elements of martial arts.

Tandak or danding dance is usually performed at night. This dance begins with all the participants forming a circle and holding each other's shoulders. Then the participants walk with their legs and jerk them to the ground. Usually, on this tandak dance will be led by a so-called head ngejang. This ngejang head is assigned as a rhythm giver driven tandak dance and stood in the middle of the participants by playing a tool of bells made of iron or silver mixed with bronze.

This dance aims to make young people have a chance to meet. This meeting sometimes ends in love. Tandak dance became a medium of gathering where meetings of young people between villages. Many couples who originally from this Tandak dance event, but there are also stories of love that is not sanctioned by the family.

Tandak dance symbolizes the bonds that exist between the friends of different villages. This dance can also create a sense of security between villages. In this tandak dance, all participants are free to choose a partner. Because this dance is an entertainment as well as a gathering, this event was attended by many citizens, from small children to adults. Tandak dance routine is regularly held every July to October every year, wherein these months the farmers finished harvesting.