Tanah Lot Beach in Bali is Globally

One of the most interesting sights in Bali in addition to Kuta and Ubud is mandatory and worth a visit is Tanah Lot Beach. Tanah Lot tourism object is not too far from the location of the two attractions in Kuta and Sanur. Sekitaran 1 hour journey that is taken from Kuta or can also one and a half hours from the tourist village in Ubud Gianyar. The route to the beach is very easy to travel by bus or private car. Tanah Lot beach location is located in the village of Braban, in Tabanan regency.

In this village also served as a manager of the beach that provides a parking lot of visitors is quite extensive. From this parking area, visitors must be through the path of the path to the location of the beach lot-lot. And the price of admission to the lot for adult land for tourists coming from within the country of Rp 10,000 per person, while for children that is Rp 7.500.000 per person. Similarly, as in other favorite attractions, entrance tickets for tourists who come from abroad are also different from the domestic. Tickets for foreign tourists for adults are Rp 30,000 per person, and for children Rp 15,000 per person. This entrance ticket is open from 07.00 to 19.00.WITA

Tanah Lot is a building of a temple that stands majestically and firmly on the rock located on the beach. In accordance with the place name, the temple is also named Tanah Lot temple. A holy place for the Hindu people in Bali who are very well preserved kesakralannya, not all people or tourists who come allowed to enter the temple area of this lot. Only those who have a purpose to pray, and who may be allowed to enter must wear a scarf. If the water on the beach lot-lot is being installed, to go to the temple area, have to board the boat, because the sea water that exceeds 2 meters when compared at the time the sea water receded about 0.5 meters.

By late afternoon tourists began to crowd to the beach lot lottery. The sun that began to sink really beautify the atmosphere at this time. Tourists will not be wasted taking the time from Kuta or from Nusa Dua to the beautiful beach of Tanah Lot. The charm of dusk on the beach lot so much so impressive with the Kecak dance that enlivens the atmosphere will add beauty to the beach of Tanah Lot. Simply by paying Rp 50,000 for all ages and can watch the Kecak dance around 17.30 pm. Its dancers are more than 20 people and most of them are men. In his spirits, the dancers shouted cak ... cak ... cak ... that broke the silence on the beach lot ground.