Splendor of Minangkabau Traditional House
Rumah Gadang or can be called Rumah Gadang is the name for a traditional house of Minangkabau tribe which is a traditional house and also many encountered in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Rumah Gadang is also called by another name by the local Minangkabau community with the name Bagonjong House or also there is also called by the name House Baanjuang. Houses with this model are very common in Negeri Sembilan, Negara Malaysia. But not all areas in Minangkabau or (darek) are allowed to establish this traditional house, only in this region that already has a status that is as Nagari alone Rumah Gadang can be established by the owner.
Likewise in the area called the rantau, Minangkabau traditional house was also formerly no one founded by the Minangkabau tribal migrants. Rumah Gadang is a place to live together, and also has its own provisions. The number of available rooms depends on the number of women who have lived in them. Every woman in that family who has a husband has a bedroom. As for the elderly women and also the children get a place that is in the room close to the kitchen. Teenage girls also get a shared bedroom at the other end.
All the inside of the House Gadang is a room off except a room to sleep. The inner part is divided over the linear portion and also the space marked by the poles. The pole ran from face to back and also from left to right. The pole that goes from front to back marks the lanjar, while a pole from left to right indicates space. The number of the lanjar depends on the size of the house, either two, or three and also four. Space consists of an odd number between three and eleven.
Rumah Gadang is usually built on a plot of land owned by the parent family in the tribe or also the hereditary and must be owned and also inherited to the women of the people. In front of Rumah Gadang this is usually always there or there are two buildings Rangkiang, which is used to store rice. Rumah Gadang is on the wing of the building on the right and left there is anjung space in (Minang language: anjuang) that is as a place of bride or sadding is also a place of the customary head, that's why this Gadang house also named as home Baanjuang.
Anjung at keloto Koto in the area Piliang wearing a buffer, Gonjong on the curved roof and tap on the House Gadang is a symbol or icon for Minangkabau tribe people in addition to other icons, such as black, red, yellow, and gold, rendang, and also others. Almost all government office buildings in West Sumatra also use Rumah Gadang design with its gonjong roof, although the house was built permanently with cement and also stone. Gonjong icons should also be worn at the front of the restaurant Padang that already exist in various places outside the province of West Sumatra.
All the inside of the House Gadang is a room off except a room to sleep. The inner part is divided over the linear portion and also the space marked by the poles. The pole ran from face to back and also from left to right. The pole that goes from front to back marks the lanjar, while a pole from left to right indicates space. The number of the lanjar depends on the size of the house, either two, or three and also four. Space consists of an odd number between three and eleven.
Rumah Gadang is usually built on a plot of land owned by the parent family in the tribe or also the hereditary and must be owned and also inherited to the women of the people. In front of Rumah Gadang this is usually always there or there are two buildings Rangkiang, which is used to store rice. Rumah Gadang is on the wing of the building on the right and left there is anjung space in (Minang language: anjuang) that is as a place of bride or sadding is also a place of the customary head, that's why this Gadang house also named as home Baanjuang.
Anjung at keloto Koto in the area Piliang wearing a buffer, Gonjong on the curved roof and tap on the House Gadang is a symbol or icon for Minangkabau tribe people in addition to other icons, such as black, red, yellow, and gold, rendang, and also others. Almost all government office buildings in West Sumatra also use Rumah Gadang design with its gonjong roof, although the house was built permanently with cement and also stone. Gonjong icons should also be worn at the front of the restaurant Padang that already exist in various places outside the province of West Sumatra.