Sintren Dance, Mystical Dance From Cirebon

Sintren is a traditional dance originating from Cirebon, West Java. Dancers in this sintren art will dance to be possessed by the spirits. This sintren dancer will faint if exposed to the money thrown in the direction of the dancer's body.

With gamelan accompaniment and beautiful clothing, the dancers are usually equipped with modern accessories, such as wearing glasses and ties, so that this sintren dance becomes very exotic and also mysterious. This art is very famous for the north coast of West Java and Central Java, such as Majalengka, Jatibarang, Berebes, Indramayu, Cirebon, Pemalang, Kuningan, Banyumas, and Pekalongan.

Sintren art is famous as a dance with a mystical or magical fragrance that comes from a Sulasih love story with Sulandono. The history of sintren is actually there are several versions, one of which is in the past there was a pair of lovers R Sulandono with Sulasih, they did not get the blessing of both parents R sulandono who at that time was regent of Mataram.

To be able to unite with sulasih, Sulandono then tapa and given a handkerchief, while sulasih must be a dancer in full moon ceremony. When sulasih is dancing, R sulandono then descends from his hermitage and throws a dancing sulasih, then sulasih fainted and entered by spirit, at that moment the body of sulasih is taken away, then they can continue the relationship.

The word sinten itself is built by 2 words, that is si and trends, said si or he and trends or tri which can mean "princess, so its meaning is" he daughter ", actual intention of dancing is not the dancer sintren, a daughter named sulasih, or commonly called R. Ratnamsari.

This Sintren show is played by a girl who is still holy and assisted by a handler accompanied by gending 6 people. In its development, dance sintren today only as a cultural entertainment which is then equipped with accompaniment dancers and also bodor (lawak).