Serumpun Fan Dance is a creations dance originated from Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province. This dance tells about the friendship ties among the people. Banyuasin itself is one of the districts in South Sumatra Province inhabited by many tribes and religions. This cognate Fan Dance is then created and used to unite them in joy.
Dance Fan Dance Performance
This Serumpun Fan Dance is usually danced by 8 (eight) dancers who are all women. As a dance creations, the number of dancers is not a standard benchmark on this dance, so it can be added or reduced to fit the small size of the stage.
Dance Fan Dance Performance
In accordance with the name of this dance, the fan becomes the main attribute in the staging. The dance movement of this cognate fan creations is more dominated by the agile hand movements. Motion to move position to make the formation also often occurs in the dance, it describes the excitement of the women Banyuasin at a party of the people.
Fan Dance Fan Clothes
These cognate fan dancers usually use a bracketed shirt dominated by golden colors as a characteristic of indigenous South Sumatra. Characteristics are also visible from the use of siger used as a head cover and worn by the bride in the customary wedding ceremony.
Fan Dance Fan Dance
In Performances, Serumpun Fan Dance is usually accompanied by musical instruments, such as percussion, kendang, and accordion as a characteristic of Sumatra's Malay music. The use of electronic guitar and bass instruments to be complementary in order to produce good music accompaniment.
Meaning of Serumpun Fan Dance
This Serumpun Fan Dance contains the meaning of the importance of mutual cooperation between human beings. This gotong-royong attitude blends in the joy depicted in a people's party. This mutual cooperation attitude becomes important for Banyuasin region which is becoming more heterogeneous and has many differences in one Malay cultural background.