Seruit Typical Food Lampung

Seruit is a typical food from the province of Lampung, Indonesia, which is fried fish dishes or baked and mixed sambal terasi, then tempoyak (processed durian) or mango. This type of fish is a river fish such as beside example, baung, and also lays dll, plus fresh vegetables. As for the drink is a sherbet, made from mango juice type kwini. In food stores and also souvenirs, there are typical foods that are sambel from Lampung, lempok or (dodol), banana chips, then kemplang crackers, and sweets etc.

Like people in many regions in Indonesia, people in Lampung district is a society that is very fond of gathering and also bersilaturahmi, both between families and also between neighbors. They also gather at weddings, then traditional events, or religious events. Culturally, Lampung has two indigenous peoples, namely Lampung Sai Batin and also Lampung Pepadun. Both have a habit of gathering. When gathered, it is also necessary food that can be enjoyed to together. The food is food whistle. However, these eating habits are not owned by all indigenous people of Lampung. It's only a whistle down the desert. For Lampung Pepadun, seruit is the staple food.

There are several steps that must be done to make this seruit. The process, fish that have been provided in advance and seasoned with spices that have been mashed. Seasoning is in the form of garlic, salt, then turmeric, and also ginger. After that, the fish was burned for ten minutes only. When the fish is half cooked, the fish then smeared with sweet soy sauce and also a mixture of seasoning from garlic, then salt, and also cilantro. Meanwhile, chili sauce mixture is red chili, then small chili, salt, then micin, potpourri, and shrimp paste. This chili ingredients then must be pounded until smooth.

To enjoy this food, seruit must be added with tempoyak, ie with durian that has been preserved and also mashed. Not to forget also to add some types of vegetables, such as the example of eastern basil leaves, then eggplant baker, jengkol, and also the leaves of a monkey. This additional material is then mixed and also stirred into one.

After that, seruit was ready to be enjoyed with warm rice. In this Lampung, one of the restaurants that have been providing a menu seruit is Rusdi Gendut Restaurant. This seruit restaurant is located on Jalan Pangeran Tirtayasa Sukabumi, in Bandar Lampung. The location is quite strategic because it is located on the main roadside. Rusdi's restaurant is a restaurant that sells food typical Lampung area. He stood in January of 2010.