Papatai Dance, Dayak War Dance in East Kalimantan

Papatai Dance is a traditional war dance derived from Dayak tribe community in East Kalimantan Province. This dance depicts the courage of the men of the Dayak tribe at the time of war. Similar to other Dayak tribal dance arts, but in this dance, there is not only the art of war, but there is also theatrical art and dance art. In Dayak tribe society, this dance is commonly called papatay crack.

Papatai Dance Show

The Papatai Dance Movement is dominated by agile, agile and acrobatic movements. Movement attack each other with a nimble motion combined with beautiful dance art makes this Papatai Dance look dazzling. In the movement of this dance begins with the dance and theatrical movements of the dancers. Then proceed with the movement and also the shouts that provoke each other. Then after that came the attacking movement from both the dancers. Yet at times the motion of each other's attacks is often a movement of pause, that is when they look rested but still with horse horses and interspersed with circling dance moves that describe them always on standby if there is a sudden attack from their enemy.

Papatai Dance Clothes

In the show, Papatai Dance performed by 2 (two) male dancers who wrapped with traditional clothing from Dayak kenyah East Kalimantan Province commonly referred to as sapei sapaq. Sapei sapaq is generally black base color decorated with beads of colored contrast. The top usually uses clothes that are shaped like a vest, while the bottom is shaped like a loincloth called abet kaboq. This brightly colored bead decoration according to the people of the Dayak tribe is a symbol that describes a Dayak people's love of nature, harmony, and difference. In this Papatai dance performance, the dancers are equipped with the original Mandau and the shield to survive, so the action of each other attacked by both dancers looks very stressful.

Dances Papatai Dance

In this dance is also accompanied by the accompaniment of Dayak musical music like sape. So that will make the atmosphere on this show feels more alive and also make the audience drifted in a stunning dance performance.

Development of Papatai Dance

In its development, Papatai Dance is often staged in the event welcoming the guests of honor or on other cultural activities. This dance can also be found in various cultural festival events in Indonesia. This dance is one of the dances that uphold the harmony and cultural heritage values that should be maintained and conserved.