Kinyah Mandau Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Kalimantan

Kinyah Mandau dance is a traditional dance originating from Central Kalimantan. This dance is a dance of the Dayak tribe featuring elements of martial arts, war art, and theatrical art. This dance is very famous and even almost all Dayak tribes in Kalimantan have this type of dance. Especially in Central Kalimantan, commonly referred to as Kinyah Mandau Dance. Kinyah Mandau Dance name is itself taken from the word kinyah which means the dance of war and using the mandau as a weapon.

The Origin of Kinyah Mandau Dance

Kinyah Mandau dance is originated from the tradition of the Dayak tribe of ancient times called kinyah, which is a war dance in preparation for killing and hunting the head of the enemy. In those days Dayak youths had to go the head hunting for different reasons in each sub-tribe. As a physical preparation in the hunt then do kinyah or dance this war.

Almost all the Dayak sub-tribes have this war dance. Formerly this dance was performed in the village to see and also observe which youth is ready to be released into the forest to hunt down the head of anyone he meets. But there are rules in this head-hunting tradition, which is not allowed to kill from the village itself.

At that time there are three very dreaded terms, the first is hapini, that is killing each other, second is hakayau, that is mutual cut head and the third is hajipen, that is enslaved. The law of the jungle was very prevalent in that time, the powerful was the ruler. Every son of a Dayak tribe who manages to get a human head will be given a tattoo on his calf to show that this child has grown up.

There is another reason performed by Dayak ngaju ancient in mengayau is for Tiwah ceremonial purposes. Tiwah is a ceremony to clean the bones of the ancestors to be escorted to heaven. This human head will be hung disangkaraya (center ceremony tiwahnya) then buried near the stumble or small house where the bones of the ancestors who ditiwahkan, and if the person has a jipen or slave, it will be killed as well.

But this tradition of headhunting or headhunting ended at the time of the peace agreement Tumbang Anoi. When this peace agreement occurs, the leaders of the Dayak sub-tribe meet and make peace. After the agreement is complete then every Dayak sub tribe will show their respective kinyah movements and also every Dayak sub tribe present can see it. From that moment the secret bulkhead, suspicious among the Dayak sub-tribes was torn down. When the peace agreement, Sub tribe Oot Danum who brought kinyahnyah movement. Because the subtribe Oot Danum is very famous for the movement and dangerous techniques in killing his enemies.

The movement in this kinyah is varied because every Dayak sub-tribe has their own secret moves or moves. It is said that if teaching the movement to another tribe would be considered treasonous and would be put to death. However, after the peace agreement has collapsed, the regulation no longer applies. Because after the treaty, all of the Dayak sub-tribes united and there was no secret suspicion among the sub-tribes.

Kinyah Mandau Dance Show

In the show, the Mandiri dancers are not only performed by men, but also by women. Each dancer is equipped with weapons in the form of Mandau and talawang or shield, but some are using chopsticks as their weapon.

Kinyah Mandau Dance Costume

The costumes used in this dance are typical outfits of the Dayak tribe and headbands dotted with hornbills. In addition, the bodies of the dancers are decorated with a typical tattoo Dayak tribe that has its own meaning in each picture.

Dance Kinyah Mandau

In the show, Kinyah Dance is accompanied by traditional Dayak music. With the high-musical accompaniment of music and the nimble movements of the dancers will make this dance look amazing and also make the audience feel as if they feel the spirit of war that is shown in this dance.

The Development of Kinyah Mandau Dance

As the times progressed, although the mangayau tradition had been abandoned, it was still a Dayak tribal tradition in Borneo and developed into a traditional Dayak tribal dance. although not for war, this kinyah is used as an art and cultural tool for Dayak people to preserve their traditions. In Central Borneo, this kinyah dance is known as Kinyah Mandau Dance. Adapted from kinyah before laden with violence with harmful attacks, this dance is transformed into a means of art and entertainment for the community. In its development, the movement in this dance is modified with various variations of dance movement as well as the theatrical elements that describe the soul and courage spirit of the Dayak tribe. With this nimble movement as if you want to hunt down the enemy, making this dance look very awesome.

Kinyah Mandau dance can be found in various cultural events in Central Kalimantan such as welcoming the big guests and also at the cultural festival. This dance is not only famous in Indonesia, but also to foreign countries. Kinyah Mandau dance is also often performed in an ethnic cultural festival in the world to represent the State of Indonesia.