Glipang Dance, Traditional Dance From Probolinggo East Java

Glipang Dance is a traditional dance from Probolinggo, East Java Province. This dance depicts the daily life of society. Glipang dance is a blend of Islamic culture and Javanese culture that is packed into a dance. This dance is also one of the famous dances in East Java Province and became the pride of the people of Probolinggo.

History of Glipang Dance

According to historical sources, Glipang Dance was first created by a young immigrant from Madura who lives in the village of Pendil, in Probolinggo district called Seno Truno. Seno Truno was originally a foreman of a sugarcane logger at the Dutch Colonial Sugar Factory in Probolinggo. Due to the Dutch colonial attitude that arbitrarily made Seno Truno then decided to quit his job. Then he created a dance as a form of resistance to the Dutch colonizers.

At the time of this dance was first introduced, this dance was received less well from the society of Pendil, the Moslem society who obey and regard gamelan music as a thing that is prohibited there. With such social circumstances, then make Seno Truno include some elements of Islamic culture in the dance. This then makes the people accept this art and then develop as a tradition there. The name of the Glipang Dance itself is taken from the Arabic word "Gholiban" which can mean a habit. Glipang dance itself is an art that became a hereditary habit of the community until finally become a tradition.

Glipang Dance Show

Glipang dance is done by grouping between men or women. This dance movement in addition to rich in the meaning there are also elements of Silat in it, so there is a straightforward but entertaining impression. In this Glipang Dance performance is generally divided into 3 (three) parts. First is the Dance Warrior or Dance Kiprah Glipang dance that is the opening act in the show. In this dance contains the satire and also the resistance against the colonists in the ancient times. Then the second (two) is Papakan Dance, in this dance is usually performed by male dancers and also women who describe the legend of romance from Dhamarwulan. And the last one is the dance line, which is a dance performed by male dancers depicting the Majapahit warrior.

Dances Glipang Dance

In this Glipang Dance show, the dancers' movements must be in harmony with the accompanying music in order to create a dynamic and beautiful movement. Musical accompaniment used is Music Glipang, which is a musical instrument consisting of Ketipung Besar, Jedhor, Kecrek and also Terbangan. In addition to companion music, there is usually also a vocal singing accompaniment song. Songs commonly used in this Glipang Dance are Ayawaro songs as opening songs, Glipang Dance Kiprah and also pantun free songs on Papakan Dance.

The Development of Glipang Dance

Glipang dance thrives in Probolinggo society, especially in the village of Pendil. This dance is still preserved and is often displayed on various occasions such as Reception events, Clean villages, Hajatan and other events. In addition, this dance is also often displayed in big ceremonies such as welcoming big guests and cultural festivals. This is done as an effort in introducing to the public about the art of Glipang Dance.