Giring Giring Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Kalimantan
The excitement and excitement of many are manifested in various ways. One way to express joy and pleasure is to dance. This is also done by the people of Kalimantan. One way to express the joy and delight of the people of Kalimantan, especially Central Kalimantan Province and Barito District is Giring Giring dance.
The beginning of this Giring Giring dance is a traditional dance derived from the Dayak Ma'anyan tribe and also popularized by the tribe. It then developed in the areas of Central Kalimantan Province and Barito district. The word Giring Giring or in the language of the people of Kalimantan is gangerang, which is a bamboo that contains piling seeds.
For the people of Central Kalimantan Province and Barito District, Giring Giring Dance is a burst of expression for the excitement and also the community's delight. This is symbolized by dancing movement Giring Giring Dance, which stomping a cantilever hand held in the left hand to the floor, while the right hand will hold a bamboo containing gravel and in a shake in order to create a very distinctive sound. The legs of the dancers also follow the rhythm of music by moving back and forth. The accuracy of hands and feet that move together is a unique part and the attention of the audience from dance bells.
The objects carried by the dancers are thin bamboo (telang) containing the seeds "piding" and shaken, so that will create a rhythmic tone is Giring Giring. The name of this sleigh Leaning object becomes an integral part of this dance, so it is called this dance called Giring Giring Dance. The dance activities of these bells are performed at the banquet, the inauguration or in the traditional event which describes the feeling of joy and also the pleasure.
For the people of Central Kalimantan Province and Barito District, Giring Giring Dance is a burst of expression for the excitement and also the community's delight. This is symbolized by dancing movement Giring Giring Dance, which stomping a cantilever hand held in the left hand to the floor, while the right hand will hold a bamboo containing gravel and in a shake in order to create a very distinctive sound. The legs of the dancers also follow the rhythm of music by moving back and forth. The accuracy of hands and feet that move together is a unique part and the attention of the audience from dance bells.
The objects carried by the dancers are thin bamboo (telang) containing the seeds "piding" and shaken, so that will create a rhythmic tone is Giring Giring. The name of this sleigh Leaning object becomes an integral part of this dance, so it is called this dance called Giring Giring Dance. The dance activities of these bells are performed at the banquet, the inauguration or in the traditional event which describes the feeling of joy and also the pleasure.