Gandrung Marsan Dance, Traditional Dance From East Java

Nine men entered the stage. One of them will advance to the front corner of the stage and sit down. this man is like applying for permission to wear the crown that is in front of him. Not long after the application for permission, the crown was then charged. He then mingled with 8 (eight) other people. The show begins. This is a traditional dance called gandrung Marsan. The dance originated from Banyuwangi, East Java Province.

Historically, this dance is derived from art that developed in the year 1890. At that time, there is an art presented by a group of men aged 7-14 years. This art is accompanied by drum musical instruments and also tambourine. They perform from one village to another.

One of the dancers who continue to perform the arts until he reached the age of 40 years is Marsan. The figure of Marsan is so admired. As a dancer, he is known to be very good at playing a role as a woman. Not only that. The admiration of the people of Marsan is also due to the moral message conveyed in every dance performed.

At that time, there was often competition between dancers. Until not infrequently the fight in the show. Through the dances he brought, Marsan tried to convey a message of peace to the community.

Meanwhile, the word gandrung taken because the art that is brought around from village to village is very loved by the community. In its development, this gandrung art is not just an entertainment. In each of his performances, a message of propaganda to fight the invaders was inserted. The results obtained from the show are also used to help the fighters.

In dance gandrung Marsan, reappointed Marsan figure as a person who has great service in the development of this dance. And since Marsan is an excellent performer in the role of women, the movements in this trance also look elegant, graceful and sassy. But in the middle of the dance, the dancers put a mustache on their faces. The motion is then changed, to be more assertive and also brave.