Caru Tawur Kesanga, The Ritual of Purifying Yourself

Caru Tawur Kesanga is a ritual that must be performed by Hindu people before performing worship Nyepi or Brata Penyepian. Ritual Caru Tawur Kesanga is presented by Hindus to Bhuta Kala (evil in human nature). This ritual belongs to the Blind Yadnya or a ceremony deliberately addressed to the blind or kala, ie the impulse or negative desire that emerges from within the human self.

In Tawur Kesanga, youth and other Hindus will make Ogoh-ogoh, which is a representation of the giant Bhuta Kala which is then paraded and then burned in their respective temples.

Ogoh-Ogoh Burning Procession

There are 6 negative impulses that exist in man, namely Kroda (anger), Mada (drunkenness), Kama (lust), Lobha (greedy and greedy), Matsarya (Greedy, revenge, jealousy), and Moha (confusion). Bhuta Kala is then made in the form of sculpture and called by Ogoh-ogoh.

After Caru Tawur Kesanga, the next day Hindus perform Brata Penyepian, ie do not do things that are worldly such as traveling, turn on electricity and fire, and others during the period of one full day, ie from 6 am to 6 am the next day. The purpose of this Brata Penyepian is to purify themselves back for Hindus and to make themselves better in the new Saka year.