Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance, Traditional Dance From Banyuwangi East Java

Bedoyo Wulandaru dance is a traditional dance originated from Banyuwangi, East Java. This dance is a manifestation of the happiness of the community at the time of welcoming the arrival of large guests who come there. Bedoyo Wulandaru dance is one of the famous traditional dances in Banyuwangi, East Java.

History of Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance

According to some historical sources, in the past Bedoyo Wulandaru dance was used by the Blambangan community in welcoming the entourage of King Hayam Wuruk and Mahapatih Gajahmada who visited their area. Bedoyo Wulandaru dance is an expression of joy from Blambangan society in welcoming the great guest and then named Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance.

The name of Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance itself is a combination of bedoyo and wulandaru. The word bedoyo itself refers to the title of the female dancers who performed this dance. While in the word wulandaru is a combination of the word wulan and ndaru. In the Java language, this word means wulan moon is interpreted as a light in the dark, while the word ndaru itself means falling stars have interpreted a sign of luck. So through this dance, it can be seen that the Blambangan community in regards their great guest as bright moonlight and also luck to them.

Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance Show

Movement in Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance itself is a creation of the development of Gandrung and Sabang Dances from Banyuwangi, East Java. So even with the music accompaniment used in this dance is also not much different, but there are some additions as creation and development. Something unique is seen at the end of the show, where the dancers will throw yellow rice and coins like in a ritual. This has its own meaning. The sown yellow rice is believed to drive out all the plagues and distractions. While on the coin to bind the hearts of the people so that people's heart will still support and obey the king or government in power.

Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance Dress

In the show, this dancer dances beautifully and beautifully with a bandage like a princes's palace in ancient times. At the head of the dancers will use a crown full of ornate flowers. At the top of the body will use a cloth-like kemben that is chest height. At the bottom will use a long cloth to the ankle. It will also be equipped with various accessories such as bracelets and belts with gold-colored patterns and flowers. And do not forget the shawl that is pinned on the front in dancing. Clothing that is used by dancers Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance is synonymous with green color. This green color symbolizes fertility and prosperity. In addition, there is also red and gold which of course has its own meaning.

Development of Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance

In its development, this dance is still preserved and studied through culture and education studio. In addition, Bedoyo Wulandaru Dance is often introduced to the wider community through events such as cultural festivals and welcoming guests who are coming to Banyuwangi.