Remo Dance, Traditional Dance From East Java

Remo dance is a welcome dance from East Java that depicts the dynamic character of East Java. Areas that use this remo dance include Surabaya, Jombang, Malang, and also Situbondo. This dance is packed as a picture of courage from a prince who is struggling in the battlefield. So the side to the courage of the dancers is needed in this remo dance show. The dance, which was promoted in around 1900, was once used by Indonesian nationalists to communicate to the public.

This dance is always accompanied by gamelan music in a gending consisting mainly of saron, gambang, bonang, gender, slentem, siter, flute, kenong, kempul, tap, and gong and slendro rhythm. Usually, will use the rhythm of gending Juli-Juli Suroboyo tropongan. Remo dance can be danced with a woman or style of men, whether it is displayed together or alternately. Usually, this dance is performed as an opening dance of art ludruk or wayang kulit.

Clothing or clothing worn by each region in East Java in a remo dance has its own distinctive. Style Surabayaan or also Sawunggaling, dancers will wear clothing consisting of a black top that presents 18th-century clothing, black bludru pants with a gold ornament and batik. At the waist, there is a belt and a dagger. On the right thigh, there is a shawl hanging down to the ankle. Meanwhile, a female dancer will wear a bun in her hair.

While in basic style Malangan fashion is also the same as Surabayan style clothing, but that distinguishes the long pants up to touch the ankles and not be embedded with a needle. Fashion Jombangan style is basically the same as Sawunggaling style, but the difference is the dancers do not use T-shirts but use the vest. One more is a female outfit. Women's dress is different from the style of the original remong. The dancers will wear buns, wear black socks to cover the chest, use a brush to cover the waist up to the knee and use only one shawl that is embedded in the shoulder.

The movement of the legs are dynamic and dynamic become the most important characteristics. This movement is supported by the existence of bells mounted on the ankle. This bell rang when the dancer stepped or stomped on stage. In addition, other characteristics of the movement of the nod and head shake, shawl or sampur movement, facial expressions, dancers, and dancers make this dance more attractive. Although formerly the art of dance is used as an opening in the show ludruk. But with the passage of time, the function of this dance began to shift away from the opening show ludruk, which is a welcome dance guest, especially for state guests.

In addition, the remong dance is often displayed in regional art festivals as an effort to preserve the culture of East Java. Therefore, today remo dance is not only performed by male dancers, but also be performed by female dancers. So nowadays the female breed dance type appears. In performances of female dance, usually, the dancers will wear a different dance fashion with original remo dance dress performed by male dancers.