Nguri Dance, Traditional Dance From Sumbawa NTB

Nguri Dance is one of the traditional dances from Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). This dance is performed by female dancers in groups. This dance illustrates the openness and hospitality of the people of Sumbawa devoted in the form of dance movements. Nguri Dance is a traditional dance that is quite famous in Indonesia, especially in the area of Sumbawa which is the area of origin.

History of Nguri Dance

Nguri Dance is originated from the tradition of nguri done by the people of Sumbawa in ancient times, where people give spirit to the king who is experiencing various kinds of problems or disasters through various offerings given. The tradition is a support, respect and community service to the king who leads and also creates prosperity for his own community.

Inspired by the traditions of the community, one of the artists from Sumbawa named H. Mahmud Dea Batekal created a dance called Tari Nguri. This dance is packed with a meaningful movement and typical style of Sumbawa. Nguri dance is then recognized by the public through various cultural events held there. In each event, Nguri Dance is always used as the main dance that must be performed by the participants, so it can grow rapidly among Sumbawa people.

Values and Functions of Nguri Dance

As explained earlier, this dance begins with the traditional tradition of the Sumbawa people, which is done as a form of respect and also the dedication of society to their leader. In addition to the historical value in it, this dance also has various values about life such as politeness, gentleness, friendliness, and how the role of society to leaders in creating common prosperity.

Nguri Dance Performance

Nguri dance is usually displayed by the female dancers in groups. In the show, the dancers will dance with a gentle movement that emphasizes modesty and hospitality. Basic movement in this dance consists of batanak motion, motion nyema, linting sere, jempit tope, motion tebe, and lunte begitik. The movement is created by a series of respectful movements and offerings. In the show, Nguri Dance is usually accompanied by a traditional music such as the gong, drums or drums, large tambourines, serunai pelampong, and also satek serek.

Nguri Dancing Costume

The costumes used by dancers in Nguri Dance performances usually use the traditional dress from Sumbawa. Clothing such as short sleeve with a size rather large. At the bottom using a long cloth and short skirts on the outside as a sweetener. In the head, dancers' hair is braided and given a kind of bando or crown. In addition, various accessories such as necklaces, earrings and also flower decoration that makes the dancers look beautiful and elegant.