3 Most Unique Villages In Bali Indonesia

Bali is very famous for its natural beauty and also its culture. But apparently, there is a unique in this island, as in the Village Tenganan, Trunyan Village, and Village Penglipuran. What are the villages like?

1. Tenganan Village

Tenganan Village

This Tenganan village is located in Manggis district, Karangasem district, east of Bali island. The village of Tenganan is one of the oldest villages in Bali. This village still upholds custom and cultural values. The air in the village is very cool, it will definitely make you happy to linger in this place. Tenganan village is one of the Bali Aga villages, the original village of Bali tribe.

This village is famous for its simplicity. Many tourists who love to visit this Tenganan Village. Upon entering this village, you will pass the counter as well as places to buy tickets. But these tickets are not for sale, it's just voluntary.

2. Trunyan Village

Trunyan Village

This village is a village that should not be missed if visiting Bali. Trunyan Village is located on the edge of Lake Batur, Kintamani, Bangli regency, North Bali. Just like the previous village, Trunyan village also has a cool air.

But people in this village have an unusual funeral tradition. Usually, if someone is dead, usually the body will be burned or commonly called the Ngaben. However, in Trunyan village this is not so. If anyone dies, then the body is only placed on the ground, inside the cave, even placed on a tree. They call it the term mepasah.

3. Penglipuran Village

Penglipuran Village

The third village is Penglipuran village. This village is located in Bangli district, about 45 Kilometers from Denpasar city. This village has a regular structure and also neat buildings.

Structuring and structure of Penglipuran village cannot be separated from the culture that is adhered to by indigenous peoples and also the culture of the society that has been passed down from generation to generation. Penglipuran Village is doing a lot of customs events, such as installation and decrease of odalan, Galungan and so forth.